- 分類:特色服務
- 發布時(shí)間:2022-01-18 13:28
- 訪問量:
- 分類:特色服務
- 發布時(shí)間:2022-01-18 13:28
- 訪問量:
陸家嘴明(míng)城(chéng)酒店(diàn)在滬上(shàng)文(wén)化的低(dī)調與精緻中,編織出新現(xiàn)代的開(kāi)明(míng)與大(dà)氣,将這(zhè)座城(chéng)市的韻味展現(xiàn)得栩栩如生,讓客人們都能(néng)享受到(dào) “海派生活”典雅與風(fēng)情的曼妙時(shí)光。
With the low-profile and delicacy of traditional Shanghai culture, LJZ Supreme Tower takes on the openness and grandness of modern times, bringing the charm of the city to life and presenting its guests with the elegance and charm of “Shanghai-style life”.
In LJZ Supreme Tower, you can take a sip of tea and taste the poetic life while enjoying the flow of traffic outside the window. You may settle down and pick a book from the workshop for careful reading with vintage wine and deserts nearby.